Dietary calcium calculator for Public & Patients


This is a simple tool to estimate how much calcium you are getting in your diet every day. It does not include all food groups but has been shown, in research, to be quite accurate at estimating total calcium intake.


Underpinning, Research, Institution and Funder:

University of Edinburgh (Professor Stuart Ralston) No external funding

Quality Checklist:

This checklist was completed by the Professor in Rheumatology who oversaw the development of this calculator and it describes how it was developed. There are also some comments from the committee.

ERO quality checklist Calcium calc 0.1 5.2.24

Related Information:

When thinking about your diet, it might be also helpful to consider how you can choose more calcium rich foods.

The Royal Osteoporosis Society has some information on this here:

ROS calcium-rich food chooser

If you are interested in the research, here is a link to the article: